Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Features of an effective About Me page

As I continue Edublog's Teacher Challenge, I have learned to add pages to my blog. You will find pages right below the picture at the top. I added an "About Me" page that will give you a bit of a bio about, well, who else, me. Keep looking for other pages to be added with resources from the Cycling Librarian.
As I browsed through some of my favorite blogs' "About Me" pages, I noticed almost everyone includes a biography including education and past career experiences. I did like that one included a short bio and a long bio. My entire bio is short. One About Me page added some public speaking solicitation, which seemed appropriate on that particular page. I plan to look to more "About Me" pages to find unique elements so I can make mine less "I did this..." and more...something else.


  1. Hey Mr G,

    I've just been catching up on visiting people's pages during the Edublogs Challenge. You came to check out mine so I thought I'd return the favour. I liked your About Me page. It's short and to the point and really captures you as a person. I'm a huge fitness nut too! I'm hoping to run my first half marathon this year. Anyways, great blog. Keep it up!

  2. Thanks for checking out my blog. Best of luck with your half marathon. Nothing is so great as training, the start line and the satisfaction at the end. I hope you come back and join in the conversation.
