Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Now I know what I don't know

I have had two trainings in the last week on how the RSA cataloging system works. The great folks from the RSA came out to my school to train me on the workings of the system. Before they came, I knew that I didn't know anything; now, I know what I don't know. They did a great job with the training, but it was just a lot for this poor guy to absorb.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Sunday, July 25, 2010


Learning something new takes time. I have spent the last three hours this Sunday morning learning to create a wiki page. All the while my daughter has been holding a birthday party for her baby-doll Sue. I will have some post-party clean-up duty coming up soon.

Anyway, I have started a wikispaces page for my library. It isn't fancy, yet. I figured out how to put a wordle picture on my home page (not very pretty), and I downloaded a link to my mission and vision statement. Check it out and give me some feedback/criticism/suggestions.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Bike Ride!!

I sent in my form for the Triangle of Opportunity Cycle Tour last week. The tour starts in Minier, Illinois and travels around central Illinois towns of Armington, McLean, Atlanta, and Hopedale. I am looking forward to visiting these towns, but especially I am looking forward to riding with friends. The ride is August 7.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Clean Floors

Today the library carpets are being cleaned. Actually my office was cleaned yesterday, but with the humidity outside, they are still a bit damp. It puts a bit of a damper (no pun intended) on my work today, but the floors are looking good. I can still do some paperwork, organize my desk, work on the computer, etc. Things are coming together!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Fundamentals

While cleaning out the library office here I came across this little relic. It is the Fundamentals of the Library handbook by William Leahy, copywrite 1964. Besides its aged look and four missing pages, most would recognize that it is outdated by some of its content. In the unit on "Books and Book Indexes," there is a section on the card catalog (pictured). I realize that there are still card catalogs around, but most school libraries have moved on to some sort of electronic cataloging system; mine is the RSA. Another unit in this handbook that isn't found too much in today's libraries is the section on the "Vertical File." In this rapid changing age where technology is changing our world, I wonder what else from this little book and libraries in general is next to go. The reference section? Magazines? Books? The library space is changing and it is very exciting to be a librarian now. While I realize it is all relative, I can't think of a more important time to have strong library programs in schools. Students have more information at their hands now than ever before, and they have to make some pretty serious decision on how to find, choose and use this information.

Sometimes it is nice to look to the past to see where we have been and sometimes it gives us guidance as to what is still important. I'll keep this little book close at hand and use it to reflect on some of the fundamentals.

Cleaning up

I am starting this school year at a new school and in a brand new position for me. I will be a school librarian. I am very excited about this change in my career and in the next few weeks, months and hopefully years, I will continue to describe my excitement.

I have gone in to clean up my office from the gentleman who was the librarian before me. He was the librarian at the school for 30+ years. As I clean and move in my things, I have been throwing away "tons" of office-type stuff. I am nervous about throwing anything away, but it seems that it will be a regular activity for me in the next 4-5 months. I should actually give credit to my wife who has been the one doing most of the cleaning and throwing away as I have been meeting and greeting with my new colleagues who are at the school over the summer as well.

Oh, I have come across some interesting tidbits in my cleaning...stay tuned or add me to your reader and my posts will pop up when I write.