I was looking at my infrequent posts on the Cycling Librarian and discovered that one might think that the Cycling Librarian hasn't done much cycling lately. While after the winter and polar vortexes that we have been through, that statement is true; however, I have done several cycling related stuff recently.
First, I thought I would share that my daughters and I got our first crash of the season out of the way early. We were riding down a hill in our neighborhood, and she got tangled in the wheel of the bike carrier her sister was riding in and took all of us down pretty hard and fast. That description makes it sound like it was her fault, but I have no idea what actually happened since she was behind me. The slightly humorous sight (now that the event is over) was seeing our three year old strapped in the trailer laying sideways just screaming yet perfectly safe. I couldn't hear her though because one of the residents in the neighborhood was running his snowblower out of gas and it was loud. So bruises and cuts are now mended and it made for a good lesson on why we wear helmets even on short rides. We are ready for a good and safe summer.
Second, is our excitement at the new biking bridge going over Knoxville Ave, a busy route, that will open up our riding to new adventures. The Rock Island trail now extends into the city. This will definitely expand our options to where we can go and how we get around. Can't wait to make the ride downtown to the main library, museums and the riverfront. Also, we are going to work on more street riding to build the girls' confidence in rules of the road and to remind drivers that by law we share the road. We cyclists need to stand up for our rights to the road and foster a safe coexistence on the road.
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