Tuesday, October 4, 2011

A Moment of Clarity

My mind has been at a loss of words for my fingers to type until today.  Our school lost a student to a tragic car accident and it has been a difficult time for all of us. Last night a celebration of life service was held and I was filled with inspiration to write.
The young man was well liked and made an impact on lots of people.  That was clear to me as the gymnasium was full when I arrived and it continued to fill.  Students, teachers, community members and family filled the bleachers, seats on the floor, the balcony, the space on the wall and space in and just out of the doors.  It was an amazing showing of support for a good family.
The service proceeded as many do with pictures, music, and stories.  But the crowd there to honor a life was silent as the young man's mother took the floor.  She spoke of and thanked everyone who knew her son, and taught us a lesson to hold those close to us and love each other. She thanked everyone from friends and family for raising her son.  She said she and her husband started the job of raising him and everyone else continued that job.
It was a terrific moment of clarity as I sat there thinking about how many people we touch in a day, week, year, life.  Most of the time we don't ever think about the impact we make both positive and negative on others, nor do we acknowledge the impact others have on us until, many times, it is too late.
So, we are back to school today hopefully with a renewed mission to do what we do here and in all schools across the nation.  We are back at it to learn to hone the skills in which each of us is blessed and learn to use them to better ourselves, help others, and make a positive impact on this world.

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