Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Veteran's Day

Tomorrow is Veteran's Day and I am excited. This will be the first time in my teaching career where I won't have school off for Veteran's Day, and I'm excited. When I asked a class of fifth graders today if they knew tomorrow was Veteran's Day, they excitedly yelled "YES!!!"; they were excited. For the first time I am excited that tomorrow is Veteran's Day not because I have a day off, but because I am going to school. Our school meets to put on a Veteran's day parade and program with a lunch for veterans. I am really excited to see the kids in the parade and if I understand correctly, most of the high school students (those not involved in the parade) will be dismissed from classes to watch the parade and attend the program before returning to class. I have no idea who started this program and how long it has been going on, but I am really excited to see this. I'll bet they have a better understanding of what Veteran's Day is than those staying home and sleeping in. I don't know, I will report back.

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