Thanks to Dirk Puehl on Google+ for posting these awesome vintage advertisements for libraries. They come from a blog that is new to me, but I will definitely be checking in with frequently, called
Brain Pickings. It seems that Maria Popova is the creator and main contributor to the blog which claims to be "a human-powered discovery engine for interestingness." What is that? Good question, so she defines it as placing "a subjective lens on what matters in the world and why, bringing you things you didn't know you were interested in -- until you are." Well, the post that includes these posters interested me, so I am buying in to this concept of "interestingness."

I think we need more "interestingness" in our lives. I like this last poster because I believe that we have lost a sincere curiosity in things that matter. What does that mean? I'm not sure but I know we don't find it by immersing ourselves in hours of television watching, playing hours of video games, or hours of time on social networks. We have to diversify our lives with some of the simple things (mentioned above) but also the complex and rich things that might take a bit of effort (world affairs, books, face-to-face time). I don't know, but it sure was cool to find these gems today!
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